In The Power of Branding, Tony Sinanis and Joe Sanfelippo define branding as, “The marketing practice of creating a name, symbol, or design that identifies and differentiates a product from other products.”
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As a classroom teacher, there were a few ways in which I differentiated my classroom from others:
- My students were regularly engaged in project based learning.
- My students consistently used various technologies in meaningful ways, such as to demonstrate a deeper understanding of content, to display their work for an authentic audience, etc.
- Parents were continuously made aware of the learning that was taking place, as the classroom website was updated on a daily basis, and I was always posting student photographs and work to a Picasa Web Album. (At times I experimented with Twitter and Instagram, but as a teacher they never become my “go-tos.”)
Since becoming an administrator I have continued to champion the importance of schools and districts leveraging technologies (amongst other avenues) to connect with stakeholders. And, because most of these stakeholders are already on social media, taking advantage of these mediums has become the popular means to “meet them where they are.” I should also mention, much of my efforts in this area have been inspired by the work of Tony and Joe.